How Much Should You Talk to Your Grandparents?

Holidays and birthdays are usually the times of the year you talk to your grandparents. Although at least one of your grandparents may be on social media and stay updated on your life online, your grandma or grandpa might not hear your voice too often. 


Even if you try to call, video chat, or text your grandparents, it can easily be weeks or even months before you get a chance to call. Or, if you think of calling them, it may be too late in the evening, or you don’t have the time for a long, good conversation, so you keep putting it off. 


Ultimately, your grandparents just want to talk to you more and hear about their grandkid's life. In fact, they are probably some of your biggest cheerleaders and supporters in your life. 


Keep reading to discover how much you should talk to your grandparents.


So, How Much Should You Talk to Your Grandparents?


Your grandparents want to hear from you. Depending on how technologically savvy they may be when you call or text, they are always happy to know you thought of them. You know you need to talk more, but you may still be wondering, how often should you talk to your grandparents


Although the answer may be different for everyone, the best rule of thumb is to call or FaceTime your grandparents at least once a week. Some grandparents lead busy lives, and it may be challenging to find a time that works for everyone. Find a time that works for your schedule and try to stick with the habit. You’ll be glad you did. 


What Are the Benefits of Calling Your Grandparents Once a Week?

There are some amazing benefits to calling your grandparents once a week. Not only will it help them battle the loneliness that often comes with being empty nesters: they genuinely want to know how you are doing.


Here are five benefits of regular interactions from a phone call and more:


You’ll Appreciate Your Relationship with Your Grandparents

Not everyone is close to their grandparents, and that’s okay. However, taking the time to call them once a week will help you appreciate your relationship and create a strong bond. Your grandparents are an incredible source of love and acceptance.


The beauty of your relationship with your grandparents is they are not your parents. They are simply there to offer their love, insight, and wisdom. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call.


You’ll Get to Hear Stories About Your Family Tree

 Chances are you’ve heard some stories about your family hundreds of times over the years. However, there are probably hidden gems in your family history you were either too young to know about, or these vivid memories simply haven't been shared.


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Who better to tell the story of how your grandparents first met than your grandparents? There is no one better to know about your parent’s earliest memory of seeing the ocean than through their parents. Your grandparents started your family, and they know it all. 


Learn Important Lessons

Your grandparents know about life experiences. They’ve had their successes and failures throughout their life. Although life can sometimes seem overly challenging, there’s probably nothing you’ve experienced that your grandparents haven’t in some form or another. 


 Share your struggles. Talk to them about a whole range of categories. They can help you through breakups, being a new parent, navigating tension with a huge life transition.


They also can help their adult children raise their own children, including younger kids or teens. They can offer child care advice they learned through being caregivers themselves.


Your grandparents have been there, and they’d love to share their wisdom and resources with the next generation.


Unconditional Love: You'll Make Your Grandparents Happy

Aging and subsequent lifestyle changes can be lonely. When you call, your grandparents will be over the moon that their grandchild thought of them and wanted to talk.


Calling your grandparents every week is also a great way to make someone else happy while expecting nothing in return. You simply taking the time out of your busy schedule for someone who loves you is enough to run to the phone to chat with your grandparents.  


You’ll Always Cherish Your Time Together

 It’s always so special to still have your grandparents to spend time with you and talk to you. When you take the time to call them at least once a week, you will have a meaningful relationship you will cherish for the rest of your life. You’ll be so glad you took your weekly chats together.


You’ll Learn Something About Yourself

Whether you like it or not, you probably inherited more from your family than you thought. Understanding yourself can mean understanding more about your family.


Take the time to hear about their personalities and their likes and dislikes. Learning more about your grandparents is a great way to understand who you are. Use their journey to guide you.


What Are Other Ways To Talk To Your Grandparents?

No matter how hard everyone tries, sometimes it’s impossible to chat with your grandparents on the phone. But, with time differences, busy work schedules, and different bedtimes, it might be time to look for alternative ways to talk to your grandparents.


So let’s look at some other options to stay in contact:


Use Technology to Your Advantage

If your grandparents are technologically savvy, find ways to talk to them through social media. For example, tag them in pictures of your recent travels. Send them articles you think they might want to read.


Another great way to talk to your grandparents is to text. If your involved grandparents like to text, be sure to send them encouraging updates about your life or just “have a great day” whenever you get a chance. If possible, a group chat full of your spouse, cousins, aunts, and more might be super fun. 


Become Pen Pals with Your Grandparents

As old-fashioned as it may seem, your grandparents would love to receive a handwritten letter from their grandchild. Send a letter updating them about your life. Include stories they would love to hear, how your work is going, and updates on your relationship with your best friend


Of course, you could change it up sometimes and send your grandparents gifts such as small tokens of your love. 


They’ll most likely write you back. How special to receive a handwritten letter from a beloved grandparent! Plus, the notes you receive from them will always be a special reminder of their love for you, and it will be something you will always cherish. 


 We have the perfect solution for talking to your grandparents when finding a weekly call can be challenging. The Lovebox for Grandparents is a connected messaging device that pairs with our easy-to-use app so you can talk to them as much as you’d both like. 


 So, how does it work? Pairing with the free app, the Lovebox for Grandparents will send whatever message you choose. You can include personalized stickers, pictures, notes, and even drawings.


All you must do is upload your message through the app and send it to their Lovebox. When they have received your note, they simply lift the lid on the top of the box. In return, your grandparents can send you a waterfall of hearts to cascade over your screen to let you know they received your message.  


This gift is the perfect solution for finding ways to talk more to your grandparents. Not only can you schedule your one-of-a-kind messages ahead of time, but you can also set reminders for yourself so no matter how busy you get with your day-to-day responsibilities. With our solution, you will never forget to send your grandparents a sweet message of love!  


When You Can't All Sit Around the Dinner Table

 All in all, calling or doing a Zoom call with your grandparents once a week is the perfect amount of time to talk to your grandparents. Maybe due to busy schedules and other reasons, you both find it challenging to find time to chat over the phone each week. In that case, investigate alternative ways to stay in regular contact with your grandparents.


For example, writing old-fashioned letters or sending each other sweet, unique notes through the Lovebox for Grandparents are both excellent choices for talking. 


The Lovebox for Grandparents is especially perfect for talking to them. Why? Because you can schedule your notes and send yourself reminders, you can always talk to some of your most loving, dedicated supporters in your life, no matter how busy you may be.


There are many incredible benefits to talking to your grandparents on the phone at least once a week. These include learning more about your family,  learning more about yourself, and cherishing time together. But don’t forget to pick up the phone and have a heart-to-heart with your grandparents whenever you get a chance! 


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The Little Things: Why You Should Call Your Grandparents Once A Week | Elite Daily

On Grandparents Day, will you call, text, or write? | Pew Research Center

How to Make Your Grandparents Feel Special Gallagher Cares  

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