Are you looking for sweet messages to say "I love you"? Here is our selection of our 30 best messages for your loved ones: your partner, your daughter / son, your family members ...
30 Sweet Messages To Say "I Love You"
1. Sweet message for your loved one
I think of you and the effect you’ve had on me in life. I can’t help but feel that same surge of excitement that comes with skydiving. Knowing we are leaping into the great unknown together, hand in hand, makes our joined journey in life that much better. Knowing that whatever obstacles we may face, that we’ll do it together as an unstoppable force.
2. Love message for your partner
I am so blessed to have you in my life. To have you as my partner in crime. To be honored as the recipient of your love, as you are of mine. To know that we are the only ones that get to fully experience each other. We are truly in a prestigious members-only club of two.
3. Message for a long distance relationship
Spending time apart from you has, as they say, only made my heart grow fonder of you. I feel my affection swell within me as I get a glint in my eye when my thoughts revolve around you. I am counting the days until we can once again be by each other’s side. You are my forever love.

4. Sweet message for your daughter
Your mother and I are sitting on the couch smiling broadly as we gaze at your baby pictures. To know that we’ve raised an amazing girl who has grown into a remarkable woman fills our heart with an abundance of pride. We rave to everybody how you’re smashing it in college as we are forever your biggest cheerleaders. We will now and forever love you!
5. Love message for your grandson
It fills our hearts with endless love as smiles are plastered on our faces knowing that while we are enjoying our twilight years, our grandson is charging forth as a leader in the next generation. It fills us with joy knowing the lessons we gave you in your childhood have helped to form you into the impressive man that you have grown to be. While you’ll always be the sweet little boy clinging to my leg as I prepared family supper in my eyes, I know the world’s perception of you will be deservedly grander.
6. Message for a long distance friendship
I’m sending you this symbol of love as a weapon against any sadness that would dare get creep into your heart. If ever you should feel alone in this world, you should look at this token and read my words as a way of knowing you have an immense amount of love at your disposal. Regardless of how far we might be from each other, know that you are always on my mind and in my heart. Know that I am only a phone call or text away and could be by your side in a heartbeat.
7. Love message for your kid
I know that although using your words aren’t your strong suits, but I can see in your expressive eyes that you have love for me as I do you. All I need in this world to brighten my day is to see your electric smile that lights up any room it’s in, and to hear your endearing giggle that warms any heart. I am blessed that I was able to bring into this world and have seen you grow into an amazing human being.
8. A message to send to a Lovebox
Baby, as you sit there in your cubicle yearning to be elsewhere, know that my mind and heart are with you. Even at moments where the bad parts of life threaten to take away your joy. My hope is that this box that is filled with my loving words will sit on your desk as a daily reminder of the amount of love I have for you.
Lovebox, the perfect gift
Looking for a thoughtful gift? The Lovebox is the perfect gift to send personnalized messages, photos and drawings to your partner, family members or friends. With the Lovebox, each message is a gift. This wonderful wooden box helps you to keep the spark alive in relationships.
Thanks to the free app, you can customize your messages with exclusive templates designed by artists. The app has numerous customization tools to let your creativity speak.
You can also schedule messages.

9. "I Love You" message for your long distance partner
You once told me my way with words were one of my strong suits, so although we are not currently with each other, I figured it best to put my pen to paper as a way of expressing my love for. I trust my words will resonate with you and fill your heart with love until we can again be with each other.
10. Message for your daughter moving abroad
Your father and I know you are in a stage of your life that’s both scary and exciting. We were apprehensive when you said you wished to study abroad, but we knew it was necessary to build your character in life. We know that we helped forge a strong foundation for the woman you have become, and the lessons you learned growing up will stick with you throughout your life’s travels. No matter the distance know that our love will always be with you, and if you ever need to hear our voice, we are only a phone call or video chat away. We love you very much!
11. Long distance relationship love message
I lay awake at night counting the minutes until you are back in my arms. Long distance is tough baby, but we are tougher and if any two people could endure, it is us. I would wait a lifetime if needed for you to return, but thankfully it’s only a month. I miss and love you!
12. "I Love You" message for your long distance girlfriend
You always said that I’m a man that rises to the challenge, but I’m also a man who has a way with words. Baby, these words I’ve chosen help exemplify how much you mean to me and how much I will always love you. I love you so much that anything else in life pales in comparison to you. I will forever champion you as you are worthy of all my adorations. I ache waiting until you return home to be held in my loving embrace.

13. LDR love message
The love we have is so strong that I’d put it up against any of the great romances in history. Romeo & Juliet couldn’t hold a candle to the strength of our love. Bonnie & Clyde would be jealous if they saw the love in our eyes as we gazed at each other. Our love is one for the record books. I can’t wait for you to get home so we can add a few chapters to our storybook romance.
14. Love message for your graduating son
We know you are swamped with studies as you near graduation day, so we don’t want to pressure you. Your mother and I just want you to know that we are rooting for you. We know you don’t need our cheers though. That you’re capable of succeeding all on your own. We’ve seen the potential in you since you were a little boy. Just know son, that if you ever need reassurance that success is in your future, you have it all from us. We love you and are immensely proud of you.
15. Message for a long distance relationship
A love like ours comes around only once in a lifetime baby. We’re here. We’re in the middle of it. I know work has us apart right now, but if ever you need a reminder of what we have together just look at these words. Let them resonate and put a smile on your face. Know my love that in no time at all we’ll be back in each other’s embrace.
Gift Ideas for long distance relationship
16. A surprise message for your wife
It’s Friday baby and I know you’re staring at the clock counting the minutes as they sluggishly move towards the day’s end. Instead, I want you to count these. 1)I will forever be madly in love with you. 2) The kids are with my parents. 3)I have an entire weekend of pampering planned for you. You are my everything.
17. A sweet love message for your grandmother
Grandma, you will always be my favorite. I cherish each visit with you. When I feel down, I just fondly reminisce about your famous peach cobbler pie. I can’t wait until our next visit so I can not only catch you up on my life but be privy to some of your sage wisdom. I love you so much grandma.
18. A message for your mother who is far away
Mom, and I know I’m a woman in her late 30’s, I could really use one of your comforting “mom hugs”. I miss having you wrap your arms around me as you squeeze out all the bad feelings. I miss hearing your comforting voice telling me it’ll all be ok. I know you are only a phone call away, but I can’t wait to see you for some “three-dimensional mom love”.
19. A love message from a mother to his son
Son, it’s been so long since you’ve lived under our roof, and I know that you needed to find your own way in this world. I look forward to each one of our phone chats as I get filled in on everything that is happening for you. I miss being face to face with you though. You are my first born and you are the heart that exists outside my body. Your mother loves you.
20. A message to say "I love you" to your dad
Hey papa, I’m so excited for my next visit. There’s that special warm feeling of love that only comes in your childhood home. The sense of nostalgia always washes over me when I walk through the front door, and your grandkids absolutely idolize you. In fact, they told me they can’t wait to hear more of your stories. So put some hot cocoa on and get ready to spin some yarn. Love you dad!
21. A sweet note to your loved one
Baby, let me paint you a picture. A picture of our first days together. Your beauty enlightened my life during a terribly dark time. As you are my love and my savior, I am forever connected to you. Our hearts have been forged together since those first days. I hope this love note I’ve composed shows you how much you mean to me.

22. A love message for your long distance girlfriend
I just wanted to remind you today and every day after that I’ve loved you since the first time my eyes witnessed your beauty. I just felt it deep within me that you were something special. I’ve loved every day since as I’ve grown to learn how much more you have to offer. I cannot wait until we can be together again. Until then, my love.
23. A text to send to your wife if you've been busy lately
My love, I know work has been draining you recently. We haven’t been able to spend as much time together. I want you to do me a favor though. Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror. The person you see in that reflection is loved and adored to no end by me. The person you see in that reflection has someone waiting at home for them with a bouquet of flowers, a candlelit dinner, and your favorite bottle of wine. I love you baby and can’t wait to see you.
24. A message to put a smile on your girlfriend's face
You sounded kind of down the last time we spoke, so I wanted to give you this message to lighten up your day. To put a smile on your face. I know we’ve been apart with our work travels taking up too much of our time, but I want you to know how much I love you and how important you are to me. This too shall pass as they say, but if I have to say it once or a million times over for you to believe me, I love you more than is humanly possible. You are everything that is great about my life, and I look forward to our future together.
25. An inspirational text message for your long distance relationship
Kismet is a powerful thing. It’s what guided us together. I am forever indebted to that. Call me a masochist because I love how much the love I have for you hurts. It hurts every moment we are a part, but I know the pain will dissipate the moment I see you again. These long work trips take a toll on me and yet it only fuels our passionate fire that comes at the end of each trip. This weekend baby is going to be especially fuego. I love you so much!
26. A love note for your mother
Mama, I speak your name with so much pride when I praise how you raised me and held down the fort growing up. You are the template for how I aspire to raise your grandchildren. You’ve told me how much warmth fills your heart when you look at our family photos. Well, get ready to have an abundance of heat this weekend because we are coming with the kids and armed with a camera to create more memories.
27. A text for your kid studying abroad
As I sat across from you at the restaurant all those ago when I our eyes first met I knew that it was love. I felt that spark. The surge of energy that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand at attention. You are studying abroad this semester and it is torturous. II couldn’t image spending another moment without you near me. I eagerly await your return as I’m ready to take that leap into the next chapter with you. I love you baby.
28. A love note for your long distance boyfriend
When I think about you my heart beats just a little bit faster. Enough to make me feel more alive than ever before. I feel the wellspring of love behind every word when I hear your magical voice. I look forward to you returning home because you are sorely missed. I will shower you with endless love the moment you depart the plane. I ache for you to come home.
29. A love note for your kid going abroad
Sweetheart, we are so proud of all you’ve accomplished in life so far. We know that your life’s journey will travel a great many roads as you leave your mark in this world. Just know your father and I love and miss you a great deal. Let our words sink in should you ever feel lonely or feel like giving up. Just use our love to push you harder towards your goal. Our hearts swell with pride as we know what you will achieve.
30. A love message for your future wife
I was so excited and full of unmeasured love when you said “yes” to me. We could have waited until you returned from your work overseas to get engaged, but I am too impatient to wait. I didn’t want to waste another day not being engaged to the most amazing woman in the world. We both knew this 6 months apart was going to be tough, but let this message be a reminder that my burning love for you will never go out. When you return, I will be beaming with pride to call you my wife. With all my love, your future husband.